3000 Vratza, East Industrial Area


+359 877 726349

About Us

With many years of experience gained in the field of rock-facing materials company LAZAROV MARBLE Ltd can meet and satisfy even the highest demands for quality, prices and terms of delivery.

The company has established itself as a leader in the industry as the European market and overseas for its uncompromising quality and professionalism. This is due to continuous quality control of raw materials, the process of manufacturing and final process of packing and shipping of finished products. Do not forget not least, one of the most important criteria to fully satisfy customer needs, namely – After Sale Service.  LAZAROV MARBLE Ltd offers Vratsa limestone blocks, slabs, standard tiles, cut to size, stairs, window sills, fireplaces, columns, balustrades, cornices and any details of the customers demand. The company works directly with foreign architects, construction companies, warehouses and retailers and has in its portfolio a huge number of completed projects for which it has supplied materials for exterior and interior cladding and flooring, swimming pools and many more. The company also delivers the material ARCHITE – known in Italy as Pietra Piasentina. The finished projects are from family houses to large hotels and buildings.  Thanks to the excellent partnership arrangements with the quarry manufacturer LAZAROV MARBLE Ltd imports personally selected and chosen blocks premium Travertine which is exported abroad as it is or cut in Vratsa on slabs and tiles, depending on customers preferences. The material is sold also on the Bulgarian market in the form of finished products – slabs of different thickness and tiles. In view of price and quality, our Travertine compete with the largest foreign quarries and factories.

We can offer you:

  • Raw quarry blocks with volume up to 9m3;
  • Slabs with different surface finishing: raw sawn, honed, polished, antiqued, sandblasted, bush-hammered. Maximum dimension of slabs is 300 x 170cm. Thickness by customer’s request;
  • Tiles, cut-to-size elements and free lengths for exterior and interior use with different surface finishing: raw sawn, honed, polished, antiqued, sandblasted, bush-hammered, tumbled, rustic face, split face;
  • Massives with thickness by customer’s request;
  • Balustrade – implemented one by one or in a suit by specification;
  • Columns – the technological capacity of the factory allows for the implementation of a wide variety of models and ornaments specified or imagined by the client;
  • Window surround-implemented one by one or in a suit by specification;
  • Sinks – single, double, one by one or cut-to-size plot and sinks (wash/ hand basin).
thinking woman